Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fun Days In June

 These are two of my very favorite hermanas, Sister Peterson and Sister Heslop. They are so fun to visit with, they remind me of our 2 daughters. They are holding a rug that I made mostly out of old socks.
 Elder L took a picture of this shell ship that was made by one of the members in Concepcion for one of the missionaries.
 The group of elders that went home in June were amazing missionaries. I think they each left a footprint on our heart. Good Luck and many God bless you in all you do!
 These are the fun new missionaries that came in June. Welcome to Chile elders!
 Someone special turned 60 in June. Happy Birthday President Arrington. Sister Balden made a darling birthday cake and Sister Kennington made yummy apple turnovers.
 We prepared a nice chicken dinner with baked potatoes, breads, and salads.
 We love the Kenningtons because they always volunteer to cut up the chicken. Thanks guys!
 President Arrington, on the right, enjoying his birthday celebration.
 We invited the office staff from the south mission and the Scholes also came. We had a great time celebrating with the President.
 Yes, another haircut. This is just to make you appreciate how much effort it takes to make me look decent.
 Elder Evans and his mom. Elder Evans was a great missionary and provided us with a lot of inspiration and a lot of laughs.
 Here I am teaching some of the sisters in my ward how to make rag rugs. Sister Kennington served as translator and also showed them a different way to make a rug.
 These sisters are highly skilled in needled work and crafting. I was truly impressed with their abilities and creativity.
 Elder L and I had a hamburger at a restaurant called Rich's. It is as close to an American hamburger as you are going to get down here and twice as expensive. And yes, we ate the whole thing!
 Elder Evans with his mom, brother and sister standing by the Balden's at the airport...and another one bites the dust.
 Elder Calizaya, an office elder, had his birthday in the month of June, so of course we celebrated.
 Elder L and I took a trip to one of the malls in Concepcion on a very rainy Saturday. This Mexican statue is made completely of Legos.
 A photo taken from one end of the mall, looking towards the other end.
 The Kennintons invited us to go to the Colemu branch with them one Sunday morning.
 We had a nice Sunday morning drive out to their chapel. It took us about an hour to get there.
 Their chapel is very small and the building was freezing cold. Luckily they had a couple of gas heaters to take the edge off.

 This is the town square of Colemu.
 After church, we had a picnic in the park or town square as it is called.
 Elder Kennington is given one of the local dogs the evil eye in hopes that it will go away. We had a very enjoyable day with the Kenningtons.
 Elder Harrison is sporting a tie that he knitted himself. One of the members showed him how. Very impressive elder, very impressive.
 Hermana Kennington made an all purpose purse out of grocery bags. She is very thrifty and resourceful.
 The dentist and I are getting to be good friends. I have lost track at how many visits we have made to his office.
 At the end of June we took a field trip to Quillon. This is one of the bus stops along the way. Look at the beautiful scenery in the background.
 This is just a snapshot from the window. The drive was just gorgeous.
 Another fun bus stop. They had these all along the roadside.
 This is a family shrine found in the front of the family's property. It was very well kept and probably the largest one that we have seen.

 This is a memorial that we found along side the road. About 40 or 50 years ago a bus accident occurred and many children were killed.
This memorial was erected on the site of the tragedy.
It is kind of hard to see, but this is a pair of oxen working in the field.
Welcome to Quillon. Quillon is a resort town, so it is quiet in the winter but very busy in the summer.
This is the nice large church building in Quillon. We thought it was a Stake Center but found out that it only has a small branch.
We stopped at a fun flea market and talked to some of the members of the branch.
Quillon has a fun lagoon for boating and swimming. We were the only ones there because every else was watching the soccer cup games.
The lagoon had some beautiful black headed swans.
The lagoon also has a nice beach.
We saw quite a few large cactus around town.
More pictures of the landscape. . .
and of course the happy little daffodils. In Chile they bloom in the winter. So different from home, ya gotta love it!

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